We know how much you love your pig, but do you ever wonder how much your pig loves you? Every pig is special and unique, but they all tend to communicate pretty similarly. Pigs show their love and appreciation through subtle, yet meaningful gestures. The more you can recognize when your pig is showing love, the more you can embrace it while it’s happening! To help you feel the love, here are 5 ways your pigs say “I Love You!”

5 Ways Your Pigs Say "I Love You!"

1. Kissing

When a pig presses its snout against you or another pig, it’s a sign of endearment! Pigs give snout kisses to those they love, and you’re certainly encouraged to give a kiss right back if you’d like. A kiss can also signify a desire for attention, so go ahead and give your pig some pats too if it feels right.

2. Cuddling

Pigs can be HUGE cuddle bugs, especially when they want to show some love. If you keep your pig purely as a house pet, your pig may even begin cuddling with your other pets! This is a way for pigs to physically show how comfortable they feel, along with their love and affection for another. It’s also something pigs do when they want some attention, which may be where the phrase “attention hog” comes from.

3. Smiling

It’s true, pigs smile too! They are actually very expressive animals, and their smiles are sure to turn any frown upside down. You’ll typically see a smile when your pig is feeling content or happy. If your pig shares a smile when seeing you, your company is wanted and you are very loved!

4. Grunting

Though your pig may let out a variety of grunts, the soft ones are what we’re talking about for now. When your pig seems content and lets out calm, soft grunts, know they appreciate you! It may take some time to be able to discern each of your pig’s grunts, but it’s well worth it. Some pigs are louder than others, which is why it’s important to spend time really understanding your own.

5. Tailing

When you just can’t seem to get some space from your pig, there’s probably a lot of love present. Pigs tend to follow people who they admire the attention of and want to be around. Try talking to them and giving them a pat on the head while performing your daily chores to provide the love they’re seeking! If you have a pig for a shadow, one thing’s for sure. You are certainly loved!

If you haven’t noticed any of these signs yet, don’t be discouraged. Pigs can take some time to warm up to their owners, so have patience. The more time you spend showering them with love and kindness, the more they’ll want to give it back to you!